Wiki & blog

Behind the sweet            Etzekinat
Summer fade                 bizi-larri
And on a coast              zalantzatan
Not Far away                naun hik aspaldi

Sometimes we glide          Batzutan log
Sometimes we fall           bestetan ki
And there are times         baina maizenik
We don't get up at all      ezin naun  bizi

You had your doubts         Ika-mikaz
We had our rows             kulunkatuz
Said our goodbyes but       alde eginda gero
Now we're taking vows	    beti elkartuz	

Behind the sweet            Etzekinat
Summer fade                 larri-bizi
You'll knock me down        aspaldidanik
Like a tidal wave           naun irriki

I should be gone            Behar nuke utzi
Cast away                   ihesi
But still I'd love you      astuna da eta
Through all peace and hate  ez dakit zer ebatzi

In light of all             Bien artean
Darkest things              ez dago argi
The fire glimmers           aukera behar dut
And the darkness sings      blog edo wiki

If you should go            "Bitakora"
I won't have you to blame   nola esan halakorik!
For my unhappiness          Ene samintasunean
for darker days             eragotzi
When will I learn           inoiz ez ikasi
It's not your fault         zure akatsa da
Breaking down could not     izena ez badun
Be cured by breaking up     aipatu ere nahi
Cause breaking down         izena ez badun
could not Be cured          aipatu ere
by breaking up              nahi  

I should be gone            Behar nuke utzi
Cast away                   ihesi
But still I'd love you      astuna da eta
Through all peace and hate  etzekinat zer ebatzi

In light of all             Bien artean
Darkest things              ez dago argi
The fire glimmers           aukera behar dut
And the darkness sings      blog edo wiki

Forever more                Betirako
Peace and hate              wiki eta blog
Love and war                log edo ki
Declare a new state         berdin zait niri

Forever more                Betirako
Peace and hate              wiki eta blog
Love and war                log edo ki
Declare a new state         berdin zait niri

Yell and shout              Egin ahotsa
and kick me out             ez izan lotsa
Then forget what            hobe ahaztu
we fought about             trumoi-hotsa
But don't give up           laister-laister
These storms are passing    ateri izango baita

Yell and shout              Egin ahotsa
and kick me out             ez izan lotsa
Then forget what            hobe ahaztu
we fought about             trumoi-hotsa
But don't give up           laister-laister
This storm is passing       ateri izango baita
Acerca de

Publicado en arte, blog, blogaut, littera, translation, web2.0, wiki
4 comments on “Wiki & blog
  1. Löss d’èl Dhêsbánn dice:

    What means this? We can’t understand. By now…

    How We can do a pretty table like that. We tried the last day but it was a desaster.

    We miss Littera. A lot.

    We have a small paper-book, edited by Julius Wiedemann, printed in Italy by Ed.Taschen(1), that speaks about music, colours, design and about music-webs’ pages as well.
    Its title is: WEB DESIGN: MUSIC SITES. (
    It’s great, really.

    Best regards


    (1)»Taschen it’s not responsible when web addresses cannot be reached if they are offline or can be viewed just with plug.ins.»

  2. Löss d’èl Dhêsbánn dice:

    Kales giortes kai Kali xronia


  3. Virginia dice:

    No te flageles más. El que conduce, el que hace las cosas es el que puede cometer errores.

  4. Txaflas dice:

    Je, je, je…. de todo hay Joseba, lo superas bien «Blog eta Wiki» no será un éxito, pero ahí está… genial!!

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